Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Recently, due the best selling book "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown, questions have been raised about the possibility of Jesus being married. The Catholic Church of Rome denies the possibility of Jesus Christ ever being married. There is no Biblical proof of Christ being married to Mary Magdalene or anyone.
There is also no Biblical proof that Peter was crucified or that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was ever assumed into Heaven. Many things, if believed, must be taken upon faith alone.

Could Jesus of Nazareth been married? The answer is yes...can it be proven, the answer is no. At the time of Jesus FIVE things were required of a Jewish Father in the raising of a son. (1) He had to be presented to the elders of the Temple. (2) He had to be circumcised. (3) He had to be educated in the Law. (the Torah) (4) He had to be taught a trade in order to be able to survive. (5) His father had to find him a suitable wife.
Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, did everything but find his son a suitable wife...or did he? Well, according to Holy Scripture there is no mention of Jesus ever being married.

We hear much about Mary Magdalene, the repentant prostitute. Well, Mary Magdalene was NOT a prostitute. She is often confused with the unknown sinner who came to pour expensive ointment over the feet of Jesus during the dinner at the home of Simon the Pharisee. (Luke chapter 7 v/s 36 - 39)
Mary Magdalene is introduced to us in Luke, chapter 8 v/s 1 - 3, along with other women who ministered to Jesus. In this small section it also mentiones that Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene. It also mentions in this section that some women were cured of "evil spirits" and "infirmmities."

Jesus and Mary Magdalene were indeed very close. In the Gospel of John it is Mary Magdalene who follows John "the beloved apostle" to the tomb, finding it empty. When Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene she attempts to embrace him. She calls out "Rabboni" which means teacher. Jesus then tells her: "Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father, to my God and your God, but go and tell my brothers what you have seen."

It is not out of the realm of possibility that Jesus could have been married and could have even fathered children. Jesus was both human and divine. Books like "The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail", co-authored by Henry Lincoln, have Mary Magdalene and her daughter "Sarah" going to the south of France where "Sarah" marries into Merovingian royalty. This story is without proof and is totally pure fiction.

It does not matter wether Jesus was married or not...what does matter is our belief. We must know and understand that Jusus (Y'shua) is the Messiah and that he died for our sins. Nothing else matters.

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