Wednesday, May 24, 2006

QUESTION: My daughter has just finished her second year of college. Three months ago she moved in with an older student who is in his doctoral studies. The young man is Jewish. My daughter used to be a faithful Cathoic when she lived at home. I cannot seem to get my daughter to talk about her "friend." I do not know if she still goes to Mass. Where do I go from here? She plans to spend the entire summer at his apartment. Annie

ANSWER: The Roman Catholic Church, indeed all branches of Catholism, teach that sexual relations outside the Sacrament of Matrimony is a sin. Please keep the lines of communication open. Phone your daughter often but do not brood upon the fact that she is living with this older man.
Try to arrange a "Mother-Daughter" weekend with her. Think positive!
The fact that her boyfriend is Jewish does not bother me. Jesus was a Jew and all his disciples were Jewish.
It is almost the end of May and the school year is over. If she continues living with this man, speak with the Catholic Chaplin at the university. He or she will be able to help you cope with this matter.
It is good to remember that Catholic Chaplins are not always Priests but have received extensive training. Like Priests they are bound by confidentially and will not discuss your daughter or her personal matters.
It might be also be good to speak with your own Priest about your feelings. This is not a "tell all" about your daughter.
As a parent you need help in coping with this matter. Please remember that your daughter is probably more mature than you think. Think about the parable of the "Prodigal Son." (Luke chapter 15 v/s 11 to 32)
Always keep in mind that she is your daughter and your love for her and her well being will never cease. Also keep in mind that you are a child of God and His love for you and your children will never cease.
Alfred Kuchinski

you miss the real point. you call it a sin for her to be with the boy, but have no problem with her possibly creating familial ties with a jewish man?

they are adilts and the interpretation of matrimonial relationships in the modern world must be different from biblical times. that is not the problem. his being jewish is the problem.

sure, have friends that are jewish, but a husband? father of her children? belief in jesus as savior is at the core of christians and if you are really a christian you will want - no matter how pluralistic and liberal your world view - your family to have the core belief in christ as savior. she is getting away from that. there is the concern....not wether she is boinking him this summer.
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