Friday, October 13, 2006

Recently, one of the posts on this site was about a Catholic college girl and a Jewish man. I do not want any reader to think I am anti-Semitic...indeed not!
I have known Jews and Christians who marry and the marriage worked out nicely. I have known other such marriages that end in divorce. One must be mindful, that the children of these marriages, be raised as Christians and baptized as Christians. This is of special concern if the Christian is a Catholic.
When a Catholic marries a Methodist there are very few problems concerning religion. (Provided the children be raised Catholic!) When a Presbyterian marries a Lutherian, again there are few religious problems.
When a Christian marries a Jew there are laws on both sides of the fence that must be delt with. Jews do not consider Jesus (Y'shua) the Messiah. Jews do not consider Jesus (Y'shua) even a Rabbi. This is because Jesus never studied under a prominent Rabbi. The teachings of Jesus were the teachings of Jesus!
Saint Paul (Saul of Tarsus) for example studied under the famous Rabbi Gamliel and at that time, that was quite an honour!
Do not get me wrong. When a Catholic Christian marries a Jew it is NOT easy on either side. Marrying an Orthodox Jew would be next to impossible. Marrying a REFORMED JEW would be easier. (much easier)
Most Rabbis would understand the thought process of the Catholic but that does not mean that they would endorse those thoughts or beliefs.
Most Roman Catholic Priests would try to discourage the marriage. It is almost like a fish marrying a rabbit.
I believe that Jesus (Y'shua) is the true (and only) Messiah. The Jewish people firmly believe that the Prophet Elijah must return before the Messiah arrives. (another tricky issue)
I dated a reformed Jewish girl for many years. Most of her family liked me, yet there were a few whom I suspect really disliked me. (despite my "Old Country" name) We finally went our separate ways. Still, religion was only one issue. There were other issues that I will not address.
If there are any Christian/Jewish couples who wish to address this blog I really welcome your input. This inter-faith marriage would be very difficult (if not impossible) if both parties were true to their own faiths.
The bottom line is in which religion do you raise the children? A good Christian would never allow his/her children to be raised as Jews. A good Jew would never want his/her children to be raised a Christians. This is like chewing gum and walking backward while whistling "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."
I really would appreciate replys to this post!

nice jewish article :)
You have a very nice blog!
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Let me know if you want to link exchange with me, simply write the comment, and add my blog to your links, and i will add your blog to my link!
Thank You,
Keep up the good work!
Benny, if your a Christian, show it! What's up with sexual immoritly, man?

RC Hammer
I'm sorry, I had to rush that. Bt show your a Christian... don't take this the wrong way but you devoted your blog more to sin then to GOD.
Hammer out.

RC Hammer
Boys, boys quit griping. The sexy bikini spot does not belong here.
That is it...FINIS!
RC HAMMER is not the sole Judge and jury here.
Blessings: Alfred Kuchinski
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