Sunday, October 22, 2006

Once a young man or woman is confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church the Holy Spirit comes down on these young people and they will be better Catholic Christians. They will be able to defend their church and it's beliefs.
Let us look at a simple explaination of "The Sacrament of Confirmation" directly from the Catholic Catechism prepared and enjoined by "The Third Plenary Council of Baltimore." (copyright 1885)
"Confirmation is a Sacrament through which we receive the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ."
Confirmation does make us stronger by increasing the grace of our Baptism and enabling us to fearlessly profess our faith. Just take a look at ACTS chapter 8, verses 14 thru 17.
"Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John, who went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for it had not yet fallen on any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit."
Okay, so now we see that the disciples of Jesus Christ were empowered to "confirm" people into the new church. The disciples were the first Bishops of the Church. So today, bishops worldwide confirm both young people and adults as "Soldiers of Christ."
The young folks are around the ages of twelve and thirteen.
After the big "Confirmation Party" is held where do these newly Confirmed people go and what do they do?
Every Roman Catholic Church has a "Confraternity of Christian Doctrine" (CCD) group to teach and support these young people. How many of these young people take advantage of the teachings?
Many parents think..."I've had my child baptized, then to First Eucharist and now Confirmation, so it is all over! They will need some more religious studies when they are ready for marriage but that is a long way off!"
WRONG THOUGHT! The young people of today face problems of epidemic proportions. Even before college they will face sexual challanges, drugs of all kinds and their faith will be challenged from all sides!
Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation must be stressed by both parents. (even if they are divorced) The Holy Scripture (Bible) should be read and classes should be attended regularly.
After the celebration of "The Transfiguration of Jesus" I asked a young lady, who was Confirmed only a year ago, "Why was Jesus seen with Moses and Elijah?"
Her reply was "I don't know!"
The Roman Catholic Church wants both you and your children to continue studying your faith. Ask your Priest about further education in the Catholic Faith. There is life after Confirmation!

What do you think about Christians who aren't Roman Catholic? Do they need to be babtized and have gone through with Eucharist, Reconcialiation, and Confirmation to get to heaven? How do you believe you get to heaven?

Please go to my blog and leave your blog adress there so I can come back here and hear your response. Thanks.

RC Hammer
It is absolutely apalling that today's society frowns upons any religous reverance what so ever!
Whenever anyone mentions Jesus Christ in a public setting it's pollitically incorrect. However, it's perfectly fine to mention buddha in a public setting.
In today's society, young people are being brainwashed by the media that there is no god, and that all reverance to god is "wrong" and "ethnically intollerant".
I'm not antisemetic, I'm just saying that in this day and age, Catholicism has become a sort of minority religion.
Thank you, Alfred for your thoughts. God bless!

A few years ago I was a sponsor for a young man at his Confirmation. During the rehearsal I heard a mother spaking to the sponsor. She said...
"Boy, I'll be glad when all this is over then I can Jimmy back into Juniour Wrestling!"
I replied...
"What is more important to your son's spiritual well being?
Junior Wrestling or the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation."
The Mother became silent.
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