Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some years ago a man said to his wife: "Tell your sister to stop dating that Catholic man. Those Catholics worship statues and the both of them will burn in Hell!"
Statues are NOT idols. Catholics DO NOT pray to statues. Statues of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis and others are there to remind us of these holy people and to call our thoughts toward them.
Many folks have photographs of their deceased grandparents and this causes them to think about "Grandma" or "Grandpa." Having a Statue of Saint Joseph, for instance, causes us to think about the man who raised Jesus and protected him. It is a safe bet that Saint Joseph is in Heaven with God.
Statues are one form of a thing we call sacramentals. A cross with the body of Jesus on it is a crucifix, this too is a sacramental. Religious medals are also sacramentals. A square of rough cloth with a religious picture on it is called a scapular...another sacramental. Holy Water and blessed palms are sacramentals. The list goes on and on.
Sacramentals were made by man. Sacraments were instituted by God. So what are the Sacraments? They are: Baptism, Penance (Reconciliation for Sins), Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion), Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders and Annointing of the Sick (Last Rites). It is very important to remember that one does not have to be dying to receive this sacrament. By being "anointed" a person who is ill may receive more of God's healing powers.
As a last thought, I'll bet there are very few Catholics out there who realize that the act of making the "sign of the cross" (Blessing one's self) a sacramental.
The next time you are at Mass look around. There are many sacramentals in the church besides the statues. The blessed candles and the "Holy Water" are also sacramentals.
Remember, when you are a Roman Catholic everything has a meaning!

hi im one of rchammer's friends, this is a good site and thx for the post so other ppl understand that statues aren't our idols

nteresting post. I have a question: Let's say that there's someone who's half Catholic and half of another type... let's say prodestant. Let's also say the person is half and half because he disagrees with some things and agrees with other things in being Catholic and Prodestant. Would that person have to give up his Prodestant beliefs (and what not) to receive the sacrement of Confirmation? Sorry, my questions kind of confusing.
GOD bless U.
Hammer out.

RC Hammer
I am so sick of people thinking that Catholics worship statues.
Chances are, they were born Catholic, got mad at the church, and then joined a protestant denomination. It seems that people in general tend to attempt to insult things that they do not understand... God bless.
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